HERStory Business Communication Expo Follow-Up

stacks of books

Posted May 16, 2021

Who said the energy had to stop from the HERStory Business Communication Expo? Today, we feature Zumwald & Company.

Jackie Fajt, a member of IABC Pittsburgh and part of the IABC Heritage Region, attended Teresa Zumwald’s session and shared a few thoughts from the Q&A that resonated with her. (Want to know more about overcoming speechwriting challenges? Check out Teresa’s blog post here.) 

“Who cares what my story is?” If you’ve asked yourself this question as a speaker, know that it might stem from a little insecurity (is my story “good enough”?). The truth is this: You DO have something to share that no one else can share because your experiences are unique, and your perspective is unique. Your story is indeed good enough because it is uniquely YOUR STORY that your audience has not heard before.

“How do I capture the authentic voice of the speaker I’m writing for?” Take the reins, have confidence and drive the process: For example, can you spend an hour or two with your speaker upfront to ask good, detailed questions about his or her life and career journeys? What experiences have shaped your speaker? What does your speaker stand for and why? These initial conversations will help you begin to build a solid foundation for “hearing” your speaker’s voice as you begin to write for this person. 

“How do I keep a signature presentation from becoming outdated or stale?” Set up a process to revisit certain sections of your signature talk quarterly or every six months, depending on the subject matter, and how often the data needs to be updated.

“What help can I offer ‘robotic’ presenters?” Speech coaching is part of the work. You can see and hear things that your presenter may not see or hear, and you can bring them to the presenter’s attention. You can encourage your presenter to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. With proper coaching, robotic presenters tend to gain more confidence and “loosen up” as they practice.

If you want to know more about Zumwald & Company’s HERStory Business Communication session, you can read Teresa’s blog post here.