Prove Your Worth

Background grid with copy: "Prove your worth. Bar charts and underneath, "Create Measurement Dashboards That Will Amaze Leadership. with Cindy Crescenzo

Posted Aug 06, 2022

Prove Your Worth: Create Measurement Dashboards That Will Amaze Leadership 

Learn how to create powerful dashboards that show the value your communications brings to your organization

Leadership doesn't care about clicks and opens. One-size-fits all dashboards usually fall flat. Metrics are important, but only represent part of the picture.

If you want to go from being the "company Kinkos" to a strategic counselor, you have to prove that you are changing employee behavior. You need to demonstrate how your communications are helping your organization succeed.

This webinar will show you how to create dashboards that let your data tell your story. You'll learn how to:

Cindy Crescenzo

Cindy Crescenzo is the President of Crescenzo Communications and brings over 20 years of experience to the communications industry. Cindy specializes in research, measurement, and strategic planning.

Her passion for numbers and research have helped thousands of communicators all over the world understand their audiences and transform their roles in their organizations – from an ‘order taker’ to a strategic counselor– by teaching them how to get the ammunition they need to build successful communication strategies that deliver results.

In addition to speaking at numerous conferences throughout the year, she and her business partner and husband, Steve Crescenzo, co-present their often sold-out workshop, Internal Communications Master Class.

Date & Time

Date: February 15, 2023
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Via Zoom

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