Your Ultimate Guide to Leading Remote Teams
Be Remote (in) Control
Join Cincinnati PRSA and IABC Greater Cincinnati for the leadership professional development event of 2023, presented by Scooter Media! REGISTER NOW.
What the data says
Gallup published a study of more than 8,000 remote-capable workers to learn what they prefer, what they see as the future, and what they plan to do if their company changes directions.
- 56% said their job can be done remotely today
- Only 20% said they believe entirely on-site will remain a valid strategy, down from 60% in 2019.
- Only 6% said they want to work entirely on-site. That means 94% of employees surveyed want a more flexible strategy.
Recent data suggests that employees who trust their managers, teammates, and leaders are more likely to absorb organizational change. One way to establish trust is to be more transparent about previously undocumented work expectations.
What that means for us
We have continuously adapted and evolved how we manage our in-house and agency teams in a virtual environment. We’ve had to learn new techniques to communicate with our teams, give more grace, and redefine how we balance our personal and professional lives.
Designing a set of norms to set boundaries around work expectations and generate buy-in from your teams will show leadership, demonstrate that you care about their well-being, and ultimately see a reduction in employee turnover, which will positively impact your firm, consultancy, or company.
Together we’ll learn:
- How to lead a remote/hybrid team that balances business priorities with personal well-being.
- The one technique that will keep your team engaged and bought into your leadership approach.
- Seven steps to building long-lasting partnerships with your team that will pay off for the rest of your career.
A must-attend session for current and future leaders!
Register now.
About our presenter
Mark Mohammadpour, APR, Fellow PRSA, who led remote and hybrid global account teams at Edelman and Weber Shandwick, will deliver relatable, practical, and immediately actionable steps for leaders and emerging leaders to prioritize well-being and run well-engaged hybrid and virtual teams. Mark is also the Founder of Chasing the Sun®, a leadership and well-being keynote speaker, workshop host, strategist, columnist, and global communications leader.