Where Pigs Fly: A story of IABC magic

Blue sky with pink clouds and a pink flying pig, with the words: "Magic Happens."

Posted Sep 17, 2022

I've been a member of IABC since 2008 in Chicago. There, as a member, I:

Where pigs fly and magic happens

When I decided to move back to the Greater Cincinnati area*, IABC was my first point of connection. Attending IABC Heritage Region's conference, I met people from all over our region—including members of IABC Greater Cincinnati. 

Serving on the Greater Cincinnati board has facilitated for me meeting interesting professional communicators in this area. Other members were instrumental in helping me to create a new network in the Greater Cincinnati, and beyond. IABC Greater Cincinnati board members encouraged me to apply for the Heritage Region scholarship to the 2019 World Conference. I did. And I won the scholarship. 

Held in Vancouver, not only was the setting beautiful but my mind was blown by all the communications wisdom, ideas, and discussion. My world expanded.

Even better? I attended a pre-conference workshop on digital signage. I ran into one of the presenters, Ethan McCarty, the next day and he encouraged me to reach out when I got back home. I did. I started consulting for his employee activation agency (Integral) and then, after a few years, he hired me! I get to work from my Oxford Ohio apartment (a 5-minute walk from my mom) and do interesting, exciting communications work.  

Keeping the magic going

Now, I've served on the Heritage Region's Silver Quill Committee and on IABC's Foundation Grant Selection Task Force in 2022 and again for 2023. Through this, I met a number of people. One including Beth Levine who's the 2023 Chair for the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) which works collaboratively with staff to ensure that IABC World Conference is a high-value professional development experience aligned to the needs of the global profession. Through knowing her, I was invited to apply to serve on the IABC PAC (and got selected!) and found a super intern candidate for Integral (Haley Self), who was just hired. 

This is my IABC story.

What's yours? Let us know


*Why did I come back from Chicago?
I grew up in Oxford and came back after my Dad died to hang out with my Mom. Which is awesome sauce.