Effective Delegation is a Win for the Whole Team
Effective managers must be able to delegate work and hold employees accountable. To do this successfully, it is important to use a delegation approach, which will develop your team and provide you with more time for higher level responsibilities.
During this virtual event, you will gain tips to:
- Create a delegation plan
- Communicate the specific outcome you want
- Select the best authority level
- Empower your employees
Since 2011 Lori Tingle, owner of Performance Essentials, has been providing customized coaching and training services to a variety of corporate clients. Her successful track record includes training delivery at all levels, from front-line employees to senior executives. Lori’s primary focus is time management and productivity with an emphasis on planning, organization, simplicity, and self-care. Lori offers a variety of tools, assessments and resources that enable clients to improve their performance and create a structure to sustain growth.
Lori earned a B.A. in Education at Georgetown College and is a Graduate of Coach U, the leading global provider of coach training programs. Also, Lori is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the Center for Coaching Certification.
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Topic: Effective Delegation
Time: Feb 25, 2021 Noon(12 PM) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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